天娱传媒鈥檚 Greatest Hits of 2021


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天娱传媒鈥檚 Greatest Hits of 2021

While 2021 was a tough year to cope by most standards, we hung in there together, and that’s what makes it all worthwhile. Members and customers relied on  天娱传媒  to keep them current on a wide variety of topics all year long. What piqued your interest in 2021? Judging by the top hits at 天娱传媒, it was everything from commiseration to celebration. Here’s 天娱传媒’s top hits for 2021.

Most-read blog post

The is a resource for AMTmembers and applicants, as well as the professionals who educate and employ them.

Last year, the blog post that was read most was In this post, AMTapplicants can read tips from current members about finding study materials and exam prep stragegies.


Most engagement on social media

Our social media pages aim at providing our members and followers with information relevant to the allied health industry and what AMThas to offer. We often share articles our members find relatable, and last year everyone felt the weight COVID-19 has put on the medical community.

Of the 250 AMTposts to Facebook in 2021, our members engaged most with about COVID-19 testing and how it has been wearing on medical laboratory professionals. . 

Total courses added

offers access to more than 300 courses, helping members expand their skillset and increase their value in the workplace.

In 2021, AMTadded 45 courses to our catalog including 12 STEP CE articles, 31 online courses, 1 webinar and 1 REACH Certificate course.

Most taken CE course

AMTmembers completed more than 84,000 courses from the last year alone. The course taken most often is one of our STEP CE Articles;

Most active AMTcommunity

天娱传媒’s allow members and applicants to connect with their peers, post questions, share resources and stay up to date with AMTnews and events.

The most active community in 2021 was the AMTapplicant community. The applicant community is a network of individuals going through the certification process at the same time. They seek advice and support from mentors as well as others on the same journey and pose questions about the application process to AMTstaff.

If you haven't participated in an , we encourage you to check it out. As a member, you are automatically enrolled in the community for your certification and state society. It is a great way to connect with peers in your field.

Most visited AMTwebpage

The AMTwebsite has a plethora of information for our applicants, members, employers and educators.

The most viewed page in 2021 was the medical assistant eligibility page. On this page, potential AMTmembers check to see if they are eligible to test with AMTfor a medical assisting certification. Our newest addition to this page is the , which helps applicants chose the application route that is best for them.

Edge Student Readiness Program participants

Launched in April of 2021, the is an interactive experience for students which gives them an edge to pass their upcoming certification exam.

This year, 361 students signed up to participate in our student readiness program, receiving an easy and fun series of emails with resources, tips and activities delivered right to their inbox.


Most watched YouTube video

was the most popular video on the last year. This video walks members through the process of tracking CE using 天娱传媒rax, which in turn helps them keep their certification active with 天娱传媒’s AMTContinuation Program (CCP.)

Visit our to see videos for:

  • AMTTutorials
  • Potential members
  • Members
  • School partners

Most popular way to contact customer service

The AMTcustomer service team answered more than 100,000 calls, emails and chat inquiries last year, averaging 8,500 a month! The most used method was phone with more than 65,000 calls answered, followed by email with 25,000 and online chats which rounded out to about 12,000.




Most read Pulse issue

The AMTPulse magazine is a publication sent to members on a quarterly basis. In 2021, the most read Pulse issue was the .

This issue featured an article on the Telehealth Revolution and how COVID-19 served as a catalyst to a burgeoning future of care. It details how  telehealth is increasing access not just to healthcare, but to quality healthcare.

Comments are only visible to subscribers.

Earn CE to stay certified

Members qualify for discounted CE.