Ebony Reynoso, RMA


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Ebony Reynoso, RMA

天娱传媒-certified Registered Medical Assistant at Mount Sanai Dubin Breast Center in NY, Ebony Reynoso considers her patients as family. “My family has always been my support system, so I want to be that for my patients,” she says.

Interested in the medical field since she was 5 years old, Ebony has carried that passion throughout her career, always chasing a challenge. Ebony currently assists with diagnostics, surgery, medical and radiation oncology, and post-treatment support.

In her free time, Ebony enjoys spending time with her family, especially her two sons Nicolas and Alexander. Ebony plans to pursue her Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing and is currently looking into accelerated nursing programs. Ebony says she wants to stay in oncology and is also interested in health care administration.

“My family has always been my support system, so I want to be that for my patients.”

Ebony meets with patients of all different backgrounds, and derives satisfaction from learning their stories. From screening to treatment to survivorship, Ebony strives to be as attentive and encouraging as possible with every patient. Ebony’s AMTcertification assures patients she is knowledgeable, and also provides her with unique opportunities. She calls her AMTcertification a “stepping stone” to a multitude of career paths.

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