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President's Message

Another AMTAnnual Meeting is over. GASSAMThad nine delegates attend. Be sure to log into the AMTwebsite and go to your communities to read their reports from the meeting. Next year the meeting will be held in Pittsburg, PA so begin planning to attend.

Our next GASSAMTmeeting will be held in conjunction with the Magnolia Educational Treasures meeting in Maitland, FL September 20-21, 2024. Registration is now open for the meeting as is hotel registration. In addition to several hours of CE, the popular silent auction will be held on the 20th. Anyone wishing to donate new or handmade items may bring them to the meeting and donate them Friday from 7:00-8:00 am. Cash, checks, or cards are accepted for payment. In addition, there is a live auction of door prizes that is held during the Friday evening reception. This is always a raucous, fun-filled time. GASSAMTwill hold Board of Directors and Business meetings during that time. At the business meeting, elections for officers and the board of directors will be held. Committee appointments will also take place as will nominations for national awards.

GASSAMThad two national award winners this year. Diana Kendrick, AHI, RMA received the RMA of the Year, and William Donald, MLT received the O.C. 鈥漇kip鈥 Skinner award for his work within the military arena. Congratulations to both hard-working, well-deserving members.

I look forward to seeing each of you at our fall meeting.

Peggy Oiler, MLS(AMT)

GASSAMTMission Statement

The society’s purposes shall be to advance the mission and principles of AMTat the State level, to advance the standards and advocate the professional interests of its member certificants, and to promote educational and social advantages and functions for its members